Android > Lifestyle > Health

Vaping Tour

Vaping Tour icon

IVPS Tour is committed to creating the first platform to integrate trend culture


Darker icon

Darker can lower your screen brightness to extremely low levels.


Health4Me icon

Health4Me helps you manage your dental care easier and faster.

iTriage Health

iTriage Health icon

iTriage: built by doctors to help you make better healthcare decisions.

La tua dieta personalizzata

La tua dieta personalizzata icon

Melarossa: YOUR customized diet!

Heart Rate Monitor

Heart Rate Monitor icon

Check your heart rate in real time.

Relax Night

Relax Night icon

Relax with the best sounds of the night mixable with music.

My Cycles Period and Ovulation

My Cycles Period and Ovulation icon

Track your period and Menstrual Cycle with our Fertility Calendar and tracker!

Relax Rain

Relax Rain icon

Relax with the largest collection of rain sounds, thunder and music.