Android > Lifestyle > Travel and Transportation


Waze icon

Save time on every drive. Waze tells you about traffic, police, crashes & more

Maps and navigation

Maps and navigation icon

Navigation & Maps with GPS for city, traffic,transport: Satellite & Street View.

PDF Maps

PDF Maps icon

Maps for hiking, trails, offroading, and GPS tracking offline


Lyft icon

Get matched with a nearby driver — you’ll be on your way in minutes.


HomeAway icon

Book beach houses, cabins, condos, and more, worldwide


raft icon

The Best Public Transport App for Chennai, Bengaluru and Coimbatore!

iGO Navigation

iGO Navigation icon

Join millions of travelers around the world and take the journeys that matter.

Free Maps

Free Maps icon

World map with search option.


Companion icon

Companion: Never Walk Alone. Your Personal Safety Service and Mobile Blue Light


MapQuest icon

MapQuest is your go-to app for maps, GPS, voice navigation & live traffic.