Android > Lifestyle > Food and Drink

Cooking Recipes

Cooking Recipes icon

Cooking Recipes


Deliveroo icon

Groceries & takeaway from Subway, Wagamama, Nandos, KFC, Pizza Express & more

Uber Eats

Uber Eats icon

Food & Grocery Delivery App. Order Pizza, Sushi, Burger, Tacos to your door! icon

Your favorite food, anytime, anywhere!

Recetas Cocina Internacional

Recetas Cocina Internacional icon

101 Recipes to easily prepare at home

Mixology Drink Recipes

Mixology Drink Recipes icon

Mixology is the ultimate drink recipe and bartending guide.

Recetas Caseras

Recetas Caseras icon

Homemade recipes simple sample recipes tastiest cuisine.

Recipes & Nutrition

Recipes & Nutrition icon

The best recipe finder! The app you need for a healthy gourmet lifestyle.


ShareTheMeal icon

Donate to charity and save lives with the United Nations World Food Programme.

NutriLiving Recipes

NutriLiving Recipes icon

It's the NutriBullet Recipes App 2.0, optimized with a fresh, new look.